A MedsCheck, a complimentary service at City Pharmacy Newcastle, offers an in-pharmacy review of your medications, coupled with personalised education for effective medication management.
Discover valuable insights, including:
The intended purpose of each medication
Proper storage guidelines
Potential interactions with other medical conditions
Information about potential side effects
This service is available to anyone taking multiple medications, whether prescription or non-prescription.
Following a MedsCheck, you may qualify for a Home Medication Review (HMR), offering a comprehensive assessment by one of our pharmacists in the comfort of your home. Our pharmacist can also provide guidance on handling medical devices such as inhalers, glucose monitors, and blood pressure monitors. To initiate an HMR, a referral from your GP is required. Our pharmacist will then collaborate with your GP, generating a detailed medication development plan.
For inquiries about MedsChecks and Home Medication Reviews, contact City Pharmacy Newcastle today!